title, title, title...
So, a couple weeks ago I went to visit family in Shreveport, Louisiana and while we were there we took a quick trip down to Monroe, Louisiana to visit my all time favorite store, Duck and Dressing. It was so fun to finally get to see the store in person. The decor is gorgeous and the atmosphere's inspiration level is out of this world. From the original brick walls and wood floors to the subtle touch of swamp moss at the jewelry counter; it was everything this rustic chic girl is looking for. Rebecca Robertson knows the way to my heart!
This dress is one of the items I got while I was there. It's sleeveless, rustic red, flowy, and is great for summer or fall (probably even winter since here in Texas it doesn't really get THAT cold). This color is so great: it makes me think happy thoughts. I chose to wear it with ankle boots but I think it would go great with some pumps or even my Ariats!
In this world, it's important to be "somebody". We strive for the perfect title whether that be at the work place, home, church, even in our social groups. We exhaust ourselves emotionally, spiritually, and even physically to accomplish what we think we have to so we will matter. I've been thinking about this a lot lately because right now as I'm currently in transition with jobs. I find myself finding my worth in a title. I think less of myself because I'm not Sarah DeForest, CEO of Life and All Things Perfect, LLC. The Lord spoke to my heart and let me know that that kind of thinking is not of Him and it's not even close to how He sees me. My worth and identity is in Him and that's all I need. He is all I need. Lately I have been seeking after the title and the accomplishment more than seeking the creator and giver of the title. Without Him the titles and the accomplishments mean nothing. He cares about my relationship with Him more than what I accomplish for Him. Contentment comes from knowing that you need nothing else beside the Lord.
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33, NIV
Sarah Joy